About Us...
God Bless You our Brothers and Sisters….
Let us start by introducing who we are... We are Carlos & Cari Marrero the Founders of Elevated Customs Inc We are the PROUD parents of 6 children(YESSS 6!!!) starting from the oldest Carlos Manuel(24), Kyana(22), Nathaniel(20), Katyana(18), Anneliese(16) and our little one and last (LoL) Yvanna(14). They have all been a gift and blessing from The Lord.
We have been blessed and happily married for 19 years and known each other since childhood. God only knows how He works His ways in our lives.
Life hasn't been easy for us at ALL but, God has been with us all through this years and has NEVER EVER left, abandon or forsake us at all. And believe us it's been a tough road of ups and downs but, through it all we have learned to put and keep God in the center of our marriage, family and life. Through it all we have learned and grown TOGETHER closer and closer but, until this day we still are.
One thing I say is that is that our STORY, our TESTIMONY is the HOPE to the many out there because no matter what your story may be ours can bring you hope in in many ways than one. Believe me is easy to give up, lose trust, lose faith and throw the towel down but, then you are reminded of WHY you started, you CAN do ALL things through CHRIST and WHO you are in Christ!
So, today you may see us here happy, loving each other but, its been through the sacrifices that we have come this far but, not alone but, with The One and Only GOD by our side ALWAYS as we walked our Jordan to our Promise Land. We are still going even when we face the battles each day but, we are reminded that with God by our side ALL things are POSSIBLE (Matthew 19:26).
This right here is just a glimpse of US but, there is so much more you'll all see… the Lord leads the way.
But, one thing we want to leave you with all is that God is a MIGHTY God that will bring you out VICTORIOUS because in God's eyes you ARE a Winner, Chosen, Beautiful, Handsome, Enough, Elevated, Made in His image, Blessed, Loved, Strong, Brave, Transformed, Refined, Fierce, Fearless, Amazing, Warrior Princess/Prince, Wonderful, Kingdom Women/men, and most of all you are all HIS!!!!!
We LOVE you and may God bless you always!
All Glory & Honor to God,
Your Elevated Family